/Packages  /xenial /i386  / libslvs1-dev  / ChangeLog
ChangeLog of package libslvs1-dev in xenial of architecture i386
solvespace (3.0.0~git1690-02aa9ea-1) unstable; urgency=medium

  * Compile
  * URL:
  * Branch: master
  * Commit: 02aa9ea827a128636e2d56d472e25b311868e073
  * Date: 1612394069
  * git changelog:
  *  02aa9ea - Update translations
  *  1c5c4c0 - Fix a crash when opening an empty file.
  *  11a8a0a - do not Invalidate() when dragging new points to prevent
    refresh bugs on Windows
  *  ebb194e - Add version command to solvespace-cli

 -- Alexander Pozdnyakov <censored>  Thu, 04 Feb 2021 23:32:30 +0300

solvespace (3.0.0~git1686-2e1f532-1) unstable; urgency=medium

  * Compile
  * URL:
  * Branch: master
  * Commit: 2e1f5324c8d3bba948f8fc3a66484185cfd6b643
  * Date: 1611420333
  * git changelog:
  *  2e1f532 - Update ru_RU translation
  *  0404cd4 - Standardize how we refer to the other javascript files we
    include, too.
  *  d16e33a - Update to THREE.js revision 111 as found in Debian
  *  6d9bbb6 - Update build instructons Add use of OPEN_MP to linux and
    macOS build instructions, and a mention of ENABLE_LTO.
  *  d3951af - GTK: Fix a warning for file->open dialogs.
  *  36719c6 - Improved de_DE
  *  1817816 - Update translations
  *  0adb13c - Change Dim Solid for Sketch Groups to Darken Inactive
  *  422bb0c - Translations: update de_DE for 3.0
  *  76589a8 - Fix SpaceNavigator type 6DOF controllers on Windows.
  *  d6c2983 - Update messages
  *  41c81a7 - Override minimum displayed digits as needed to avoid
    showing zero.
  *  bd41485 - Correct toolbar height calculation (#885)
  *  758095a - Win32: Avoid the Default Beep sound in Еrror and Message
    dialogs (#881)
  *  5ef7034 - Use the SVG icon with a relative path. (#883)
  *  3abfd91 - Win32: Update the year in the Windows version resource
  *  82698b1 - Update the year in the About dialog
  *  a76e7f2 - Update (#859)
  *  d45e2c4 - Add toolbar icons for Revolve and Helix created by jkrei0
    in issue #857. (#878)
  *  3e3ccdc - Revert Clean up paste transformed and constrain
    operations a bit.

 -- Alexander Pozdnyakov <censored>  Sun, 24 Jan 2021 01:31:17 +0300

solvespace (3.0.0~git1666-222c80e-1) unstable; urgency=medium

  * Compile
  * URL:
  * Branch: master
  * Commit: 222c80e4c132f6d1fa1bc0a293660f65874a683f
  * Date: 1609268950
  * git changelog:
  *  222c80e - Add OpenMP debug information to conf screen (#869)
  *  440ea55 - Add menu checkbox Dim Solid for Sketch Groups.

 -- Alexander Pozdnyakov <censored>  Wed, 06 Jan 2021 22:03:43 +0300

solvespace (3.0.0~git1664-14e837a-1) unstable; urgency=medium

  * Compile
  * URL:
  * Branch: master
  * Commit: 14e837a45f599b9b2a8a28d8628f96490b593c24
  * Date: 1608662450
  * git changelog:
  *  14e837a - Clean up paste transformed and constrain operations a
  *  96958f4 - Fix paste transformed not correcting tangent arcs when
    mirrored (#833)
  *  679e2b9 - Fix an off-by-one error that missed the last point when
    generating screen bounding boxes
  *  0e5a246 - Fix normal selection with marquee
  *  f343bbc - Fix marquee selection when the view is rotated away from
    the working plane
  *  4275fb1 - Fix snap to grid not working in some situations
  *  cac3aae - remove the CLA and commercial licensing text.

 -- Alexander Pozdnyakov <censored>  Thu, 24 Dec 2020 23:14:48 +0300

solvespace (3.0.0~git1657-2939abf-1) unstable; urgency=medium

  * Compile
  * URL:
  * Branch: master
  * Commit: 2939abf5f876a7454e0afbc06b32c888989b6546
  * Date: 1607689562
  * git changelog:
  *  2939abf - Improve zooming with trackpad and scrollwheel
  *  681a50d - Run Test CI for pull requests
  *  640a1b9 - Use good default filenames on Linux/GTK
  *  e59186a - Suggest sensible defaults in file dialogs
  *  a8b8a34 - Make Path::SetExtension() not include a dot
  *  f5086b6 - Analyze | Stop Tracing (Ctrl+Shift+S) saves CSV only if a
    point is being traced
  *  5fa2318 - CI: Replace Travis with GitHub Actions (#824)
  *  b316a88 - Use EXACT for checking theta
  *  6b91ab5 - Better rotating
  *  aa78043 - Swap vertical and horizontal constraints when rotating
    90/270 degrees

 -- Alexander Pozdnyakov <censored>  Sat, 12 Dec 2020 01:01:16 +0300

solvespace (3.0.0~git1647-9390ab0-1) unstable; urgency=medium

  * Compile
  * URL:
  * Branch: master
  * Commit: 9390ab02d5e1d921cfaa4e4948082a818d0e8246
  * Date: 1606494289
  * git changelog:
  *  9390ab0 - Set the default font for text objects correctly.
  *  a2b5d0d - Win32: Remove sscheck on IsWindowVisible and ShowWindow
  *  22dea59 - Edit newly added dimensions is now turned on by default.
  *  5d17369 - Win32: Remove sscheck on SetScrollInfo - it returns the
    scrollbar position
  *  bb5994e - UI: Display err in the property browser only if check
    sketch for closed contour
  *  f285024 - Move z-index of construction segments behind normal
  *  8dcb2db - Changelog: Describe the err indicator in the property
  *  fac093a - Translations: update de_DE
  *  d0d5df1 - Update contour_area test image to match the change in
    displayed units.
  *  08f37de - Make better choices of SI units by considering order.
  *  5137da2 - Win32: Mouse wheel zooming always remains properly
  *  bdd2be6 - Translations: Add solvespace.cpp to the translations...
  *  942bf3f - Remove Q3DO export.
  *  427a29a - Travis: build snaps in LXD containers
  *  bcb8cd2 - Fix unsequenced modification and access warnings.
  *  898fb6f - Travis: deploy tagged & master commits to GitHub
  *  1b2d47c - Travis: deploy tagged commits & edge tagging fixes
  *  5a3f45e - ran make translate_solvespace. cleaned out some obsolete
    strings in en_US.po
  *  142252d - Add z distance checking to entity picking. Fixes issue
  *  6c2b967 - Use recent flatbuffers commit to solve compiling issue on

 -- Alexander Pozdnyakov <censored>  Sat, 28 Nov 2020 00:08:09 +0300

solvespace (3.0.0~git1627-d0876d5-1) unstable; urgency=medium

  * Compile
  * URL:
  * Branch: master
  * Commit: d0876d5f43f8e4663b0743e426babaa59fb57013
  * Date: 1604782635
  * git changelog:
  *  d0876d5 - Update (by @nii236)
  *  5945d55 - Add end marker to text window and increase max rows.
  *  953c472 - Travis: add clean edge script
  *  6ff8db9 - Use zOrder for selections within the same group
  *  d973405 - adjust logo size
  *  078fb99 - add logo in heading
  *  ef7e2c7 - README: Add Travis & Snap Store badges
  *  8a3e5b4 - Don't do numeric surface intersections if an exact curve
    has been copied. We don't want 2 overlapping but different sets of
  *  eadeac4 - use VERY_NEGATIVE and VERY_POSITIVE instead of numeric
    values which is some cases were 1e-10 instead of -1e10
  *  6c4b075 - Increase MAX_UNDO to 100
  *  7e99ba0 - UI: Fix the Property Browser window scrollbar
  *  3694c9b - Travis: sign libomp.dylib
  *  73bbbde - Travis: include libomp in macOS .app
  *  88b26aa - Update the year in the About dialog
  *  7292c32 - Performance: inline the Bernstein functions
  *  5388e10 - Travis: use force to overwrite tag
  *  57f8b37 - Travis: skip build if tag is edge, staple to the .dmg
  *  5fbb1b8 - Travis: remove old secrets from .travis.yml
  *  24720a0 - Revert CMake: use sanitizer flags for internal targets
  *  da87a68 - Travis: try fixing deploy secret (sorry, has to happen on
  *  8f509f1 - Travis: CI improvements and fixing edge builds (#766)
  *  7035071 - Performance optimization of the Vector class
  *  68b1abf - CMake: use sanitizer flags for internal targets only
  *  c674bc8 - Add OpenMP parallel for to SShell::CopyCurvesSplitAgainst
  *  0f1ece2 - Resovle a huge performance regression introduced by
    commit ab10e38 while still fixing the NURBS issues resolved by that
    commit with only modest speed penalty. The performance is
    significantly improved by using bounding box tests on curves prior
    to doing complex intersection testing.
  *  0761339 - STEP Export: include colors and alpha
  *  400056c - CMake: Give ENABLE_LTO a default and a description so it
    shows up in cmake-gui
  *  aa83681 - snap: enable OpenMP and LTO
  *  32e695b - STEP Export: include colors and alpha
  *  b3cd928 - Travis: release macOS and Windows edge builds
  *  8a2e77d - CMake: fix LTO on Linux
  *  f3f33d3 - Travis: optimize macOS deploy build
  *  ab10e38 - Add vertexes to curve intersection list in addition to
    surface intersections.
  *  6b5936b - remove
  *  2be2e42 - Chinese translation added.
  *  9d2641a - Travis: update travis and macos build configs
  *  3af8127 - macOS: add NSOpenGLPFADoubleBuffer to
  *  8e7416f - Travis: Build improvements and fixes (#751)
  *  b28499e - initial support (disabled) for keepout regions in IDF
  *  b12bcc5 - Fix some IDF file curves.
  *  0548702 - macOS CI fixes
  *  408128a - Avoid zero tangnet vectors on degenerate NURBS edges.
    Fixes #652
  *  e42aa0f - Update .travis.yml for macOS build
  *  91684fe - Add macOS travis config, fix issue in CMakeLists.txt
    causing macOS build to break

 -- Alexander Pozdnyakov <censored>  Fri, 13 Nov 2020 01:03:29 +0300

solvespace (3.0.0~git1583-0288c0a-1) unstable; urgency=medium

  * Compile
  * URL:
  * Branch: master
  * Commit: 0288c0a98b139dfb57acf99d6303d44a75fa5929
  * Date: 1602885202
  * git changelog:
  *  0288c0a - Travis: add windows target
  *  6558cb9 - Fix crash in solvespace-cli
  *  3ea8ebf - Win32: Fix "File|Open...", "Save" and "Save As" when a
    command line argument is used.
  *  d72eba8 - Create intersection curves from existing ones.
  *  c514dda - Fix for

 -- Alexander Pozdnyakov <censored>  Sat, 17 Oct 2020 14:48:41 +0300

solvespace (3.0.0~git1578-c021df3-1) unstable; urgency=medium

  * Compile
  * URL:
  * Branch: master
  * Commit: c021df33c04eb599c30ce9832e69ac7ab55bfb77
  * Date: 1601574940
  * git changelog:
  *  c021df3 - Fix issue 684 as whitequark suggested via WM_KEYDOWN-
    >WMCHAR change.
  *  3ce8c29 - Allow DXF import of 3D arcs and circles
  *  6b7f114 - Updated changelog
  *  8cf9d68 - IDF file Linking.
  *  0a061b6 - NFC: Performance. For step-and-repeat groups, create the
    copies first (in parallel) and then combine them using unions of
    equal size shells to reduce the total time spent on booleans.
  *  7c766c7 - translate_solvespace updates
  *  d49c8a1 - add debug message showing the name of a group whose
    linked file can't be found.
  *  d575da8 - Add cmake option ENABLE_LTO for link time optimization on
    Release builds.
  *  39f419e - Flip sign of exportCanvas dx and dy. Fixes issue #523
  *  704bb4a - Fix view centering and directions or cli thumbnail
  *  34328c9 - solvespace-cli: Fix --view
  *  2adf5de - de_DE: missing translations
  *  6e515b6 - Fix 699: Allow dragging linked objects in an assembly.
  *  094eff7 - Fix 197 Update the state of checkboxes in menus after
    failed workplace activation.

 -- Alexander Pozdnyakov <censored>  Sat, 03 Oct 2020 02:05:47 +0300

solvespace (3.0.0~git1564-668fe6f-1) unstable; urgency=medium

  * Compile
  * URL:
  * Branch: master
  * Commit: 668fe6f493eb96e9b4add37b6dbe9b82070cd9cc
  * Date: 1600288783
  * git changelog:
  *  668fe6f - Make the redundant constraint timeout a configuration
    value and add the config UI elements to edit that value.
  *  6157084 - Fix #131. Prevent UI freeze by having a timeout when
    finding which constraints can be removed to fix jacobian.
  *  e74185b - Fix #696. Account for multiple coincident edges when
    looking for naked edges.
  *  d8f5a8d - Fix issue #296.
  *  7052496 - Fix #693 issues.
  *  0413c1b - NFC:Triangulation - don't add zero-length bridges to
    avoid list.
  *  b208cd8 - NFC, Performance: Use OpenMP for boolean function
  *  360b347 - Export backgrounds in vector files
  *  028b613 - Add ExportBackgroundColor config to GUI and CLI
  *  d3da2c8 - Performance: Don't call std::inplace_merge for
    IdList::AddAndAssignID() via Add() because it is redundant.

 -- Alexander Pozdnyakov <censored>  Thu, 17 Sep 2020 10:02:35 +0300

solvespace (3.0.0~git1554-6894b0c-1) unstable; urgency=medium

  * Compile
  * URL:
  * Branch: master
  * Commit: 6894b0c9c3e5ba3e080cf364d5f6e68a760b2b8c
  * Date: 1597874142
  * git changelog:
  *  6894b0c - NFC: remove a critical section, runs faster.
  *  d974615 - NFC replace 2 nested loops with 1 loop and a lookup for
    speed improvement.

 -- Alexander Pozdnyakov <censored>  Fri, 28 Aug 2020 09:10:39 +0300

solvespace (3.0.0~git1552-bc4924a-1) unstable; urgency=medium

  * Compile
  * URL:
  * Branch: master
  * Commit: bc4924ae471bc01d70d9a19e10ad347a7b87cf1c
  * Date: 1597437549
  * git changelog:
  *  bc4924a - Don't duplicate points when connecting contours with zero
    length bridge. Fixes #303
  *  04b332d - Ratpoly - Less noise in terminal. Comment out expected
    dbg print and try harder to converge.
  *  4cceaa5 - NURBS boolean improvement.
  *  f952991 - Fix issue161 and 174. Use the same logic for selction and
    dragging, but ignore entites that are inherently undraggable.
  *  575ddb5 - Add a pass in triangulation to create convex triangle
    fans. These triangles will have smaller bounding boxes and look
  *  b3eb589 - Fix issue659 - Problems constraining to ends of Helix.
  *  6ae417a - Update mimalloc to v1.6.4
  *  a296220 - Improve text screen for a selected entity.
  *  afa9e28 - Improve text screen for a selected constraint.
  *  fef6a39 - Don't init srand(0) because rand isn't used any more.
  *  3c2f82b - Remove the Random() function and use a fixed table of
    arbitrary vectors in raycast.cpp
  *  fd2dfe8 - Fix #656 by making SSurface::SplitInHalf thread safe.

 -- Alexander Pozdnyakov <censored>  Sat, 15 Aug 2020 23:34:04 +0300

solvespace (3.0.0~git1540-d8b76ef-1) unstable; urgency=medium

  * Compile
  * URL:
  * Branch: master
  * Commit: d8b76ef7f105df873c978d17d5dc8660c73d2d5b
  * Date: 1595948215
  * git changelog:
  *  d8b76ef - Drop backtrace generation.
  *  bbf402b - Fix "Sketch → In Workplane" not updating the UI
  *  56e2592 - Make "Toggle Reference" remember undo state.
  *  e0fa99b - remove another redundant pass checking earness
  *  2640034 - NFC: Remove a redundant pass over all verticies in ear
  *  b0fc191 - Create mimalloc heaps only when necessary.

 -- Alexander Pozdnyakov <censored>  Fri, 31 Jul 2020 04:29:45 +0300

solvespace (3.0.0~git1534-188b2e2-1) unstable; urgency=medium

  * Compile
  * URL:
  * Branch: master
  * Commit: 188b2e26cec71fa7de86fd8202932c79eeecf295
  * Date: 1595038541
  * git changelog:
  *  188b2e2 - Implement #524 Allow flat colors. Adds an edit control
    for Ambient lighting.
  *  c75b2e4 - Fix #647 Helix mesh defects.
  *  f0623fa - CMake: don't install mimalloc.
  *  c4ca4be - Replace {Alloc,FreeAll}Temporary() with mimalloc
  *  cbac182 - Add and build mimalloc at
  *  9802b5d - Better helical triangulation - issue 489.
  *  873085e - README: fix extlib/q3d{o,} typo

 -- Alexander Pozdnyakov <censored>  Sun, 19 Jul 2020 19:35:36 +0300

solvespace (3.0.0~git1527-211ae8c-1) unstable; urgency=medium

  * Compile
  * URL:
  * Branch: master
  * Commit: 211ae8c44649532991c5fbedf40a735fa799ea81
  * Date: 1592879997
  * git changelog:
  *  211ae8c - Show area of closed contour with SI units.
  *  35c6af4 - Show center of mass using the same format as for
  *  586b047 - Delete all entities on a workplane request that is being

 -- Alexander Pozdnyakov <censored>  Fri, 03 Jul 2020 11:21:44 +0300

solvespace (3.0.0~git1524-d238f98-1) unstable; urgency=medium

  * Compile
  * URL:
  * Branch: master
  * Commit: d238f985fbcff478b52d9459567d7280d83b0b8a
  * Date: 1592704770
  * git changelog:
  *  d238f98 - GTK: filter events more precisely.
  *  a80a033 - Disable OpenMP.
  *  0da4a6b - Use C++11 [[noreturn]] attribute instead of GNU-specific
  *  3d51b39 - Change default chord tolerance (to 0.1%) and maximum
    segments (to 20).
  *  c876104 - Make sure circles have at least 16 segments.
  *  e83e483 - Change criteria for short edge removal

 -- Alexander Pozdnyakov <censored>  Sun, 21 Jun 2020 08:58:19 +0300

solvespace (3.0.0~git1518-94a3cfd-1) unstable; urgency=medium

  * Compile
  * URL:
  * Branch: master
  * Commit: 94a3cfdeb74aa3cbfd91ffe26ffa57c63a1094b2
  * Date: 1591410661
  * git changelog:
  *  94a3cfd - Fix SSurface::EdgeNormalsWithinSurface() to handle non-
    orthogonal u,v derivatives correctly.
  *  225f82a - Get rid of the FPS counter.

 -- Alexander Pozdnyakov <censored>  Sat, 06 Jun 2020 10:48:51 +0300

solvespace (3.0.0~git1516-89e6559-1) unstable; urgency=medium

  * Compile
  * URL:
  * Branch: master
  * Commit: 89e6559e2d7edb6985a97b74671df4bbda98588a
  * Date: 1590201122
  * git changelog:
  *  89e6559 - Bring some parallelism to boolean code
  *  c89a2e4 - Use a thread-safe temporary arena on every platform.
  *  060a328 - Use HTML comments in issue template.
  *  72d9978 - Eliminate a trailing dot before the SI prefix if there
    are no decimals.
  *  51f6236 - Simplify MmToString. NFC.

 -- Alexander Pozdnyakov <censored>  Sun, 24 May 2020 23:57:43 +0300

solvespace (3.0.0~git1511-70ec7cc-1) unstable; urgency=medium

  * Compile
  * URL:
  * Branch: master
  * Commit: 70ec7cc257acaaa0580b9c948343e42cebedb36f
  * Date: 1589323165
  * git changelog:
  *  70ec7cc - Improve triangle mesh (splitting of quads based on
  *  23dfd97 - Fix use-after-free in Lathe, Revolve, and Helix. Issue
  *  0be42a8 - Rename our isnan() function to IsReasonable().
  *  771086f - Use C++ instead of C versions of standard library
  *  e84fd46 - Use omp critical to simplify parallel triangulation. NFC.
  *  c355a47 - Split quads based on angle.
  *  1930602 - UI: split "union assemble" and "difference intersection"
    on two lines.
  *  9b07aaf - UI: Fix the logic for switching between union/assemble
    and difference/intersection
  *  6245c63 - Intersection boolen in triangle mesh mode is properly
  *  3888909 - NURBS: Add intersection boolean operation.
  *  c95a07a - Win32: when building with MSVC, require VS2015.
  *  cd30e04 - Expand "edit newly added dimensions" to edit "Length
    Ratio" and "Length Difference"
  *  01af666 - Fix typo. NFC.
  *  e29f71f - Update changelog
  *  d857e3e - Various header cleanups. NFC.
  *  e00d486 - Refactor dbp. NFC.
  *  9951da8 - macOS: ignore spurious `-psn_` command line argument.
  *  1442ee5 - Refactor InitPlatform.
  *  9c1804b - Get rid of MemAlloc/MemFree.
  *  521473e - Win32: use CRT heap instead of our own.
  *  74103ee - CMake: expand sanitizer support to include TSan.
  *  47e8279 - CMake: detect OpenMP and use if available.
  *  b4e1ce4 - Use OpenMP for triangulation
  *  7baf585 - No message if cached points to don't converge. Quiet the
  *  a7e0a17 - Don't create redundant edges in UvGridTriangulate into.
  *  05aa649 - Update changelog
  *  a52d88b - Less work in AssembleContour
  *  88a0e55 - Eliminate infinite loop AssemblePolygon
  *  7366a6c - Bernstein polynomials with no branching. (#591)
  *  76b3efb - Travis: allow Snap arm64 to fail
  *  3544829 - README: update Linux-to-Windows cross-compilation

 -- Alexander Pozdnyakov <censored>  Wed, 13 May 2020 12:10:48 +0300

solvespace (3.0.0~git1480-f36ac50-1) unstable; urgency=medium

  * Compile
  * URL:
  * Branch: master
  * Commit: f36ac500a14da169c2017947710fc6e13b712c4e
  * Date: 1587764275
  * git changelog:
  *  f36ac50 - Add rotated face from point entity type. Fixes issue 585,
    problems constraining to Revolve and Helix ends. (#586)
  *  700b5d6 - Allow Revolve and Helix end surface selection and
    constraints. (#584)
  *  45eb246 - Eliminate some entity copies in lathe groups. Eliminates
    a crash due to copy numbers going over 1000. May break some older
    files with constaints on lathed entities. (#582)
  *  b55dac7 - Don't create extra copies of entities in Revolve and
    Helix groups.
  *  e51fdf6 - Use handles instead of pointers in GenerateAll(). NFC.
  *  f5415b3 - snap: Upgrade from gnome-3-28 extension to gnome-3-34
  *  13b461d - snap: Use symlink instead of bind-mount for layout

 -- Alexander Pozdnyakov <censored>  Sat, 25 Apr 2020 10:14:58 +0300

solvespace (3.0.0~git1473-72635df-1) unstable; urgency=medium

  * Compile
  * URL:
  * Branch: master
  * Commit: 72635df56ec915ab6ce79b4386d2c183f9e4e4a5
  * Date: 1585776318
  * git changelog:
  *  72635df - Add menu options for line styles / view / configuration.
  *  6471710 - Fix more segfaults in mouse.cpp lambdas (#574)
  *  485fd01 - Fix segfault in Remove Spline Point context menu
  *  f7b6f69 - Nurbs (#473)
  *  83b0402 - Added developer instructions for creating new entity
    transformations in the solver. (#491)
  *  645353c - Force SSE2 floats for i686 targets
  *  aeaece5 - Accept both slashes in test harness on Win32

 -- Alexander Pozdnyakov <censored>  Fri, 10 Apr 2020 01:52:10 +0300

solvespace (3.0.0~git1466-e355a09-1) unstable; urgency=medium

  * Compile
  * URL:
  * Branch: master
  * Commit: e355a095c4c3456487be8bc48675757ab79d44d3
  * Date: 1584241404
  * git changelog:
  *  e355a09 - Force vendor zlib, png, and FreeType on Win32, too
  *  7e33d2d - Update ANGLE to 8776e911bf71f68518ddd1995ce09d80db8c1216
  *  a6c34bb - Fix a crash when trying to show an error with bad
  *  6017ecd - Fix two trivial implicit double to int conversion
    warnings. NFC
  *  c29624f - Update flatbuffers, fixing build on Clang trunk

 -- Alexander Pozdnyakov <censored>  Fri, 20 Mar 2020 05:57:51 +0300

solvespace (3.0.0~git1461-fcb2757-1) unstable; urgency=medium

  * Compile
  * URL:
  * Branch: master
  * Commit: fcb2757d5d18e8ad7a82b4ecf4dd48529dab70b9
  * Date: 1582533705
  * git changelog:
  *  fcb2757 - Win32: Drastically reduce stack usage at startup. NFC?
  *  8ef3cac - Fix a bug with 3Dconnexion: SpaceMouse
  *  f6a774d - Fix some trivial warnings found by MSVC. NFC.
  *  bae84b2 - snap: Fix missing extension for cli
  *  1cd727d - snap: Remove superfluous files from package
  *  dcc80de - snap: Add missing sudo in Travis deploy step
  *  65ab595 - snap: Build snaps on Travis without remote-build & drop
    i386 + armhf

 -- Alexander Pozdnyakov <censored>  Fri, 06 Mar 2020 15:37:04 +0300

solvespace (3.0.0~git1454-3ed1719-1) unstable; urgency=medium

  * Compile
  * URL:
  * Branch: master
  * Commit: 3ed1719de2dc6e0525c94de78353d076623e46e4
  * Date: 1580880873
  * git changelog:
  *  3ed1719 - Fix immediate editing of reference constraints.
  *  72bc71c - README: add snap as an installation option.
  *  2dcd81d - snap: Release snaps to store via script instead of snap
  *  d5351c4 - snap: build snaps on Travis via remote-build.

 -- Alexander Pozdnyakov <censored>  Thu, 06 Feb 2020 08:24:31 +0300

solvespace (3.0.0~git1450-16c5fa6-1) unstable; urgency=medium

  * Compile
  * URL:
  * Branch: master
  * Commit: 16c5fa6889202f2059b52c4a89599910541dd1a0
  * Date: 1576611344
  * git changelog:
  *  16c5fa6 - Fix eight trivial "implicit conversion 'double' to 'int'"
    warnings. NFC.

 -- Alexander Pozdnyakov <censored>  Sun, 22 Dec 2019 15:07:11 +0300

solvespace (3.0.0~git1449-64c0f62-1) unstable; urgency=medium

  * Compile
  * URL:
  * Branch: master
  * Commit: 64c0f62b92a35a83b2c7620ee264db383b54283a
  * Date: 1575645711
  * git changelog:
  *  64c0f62 - Win32: mark all remaining functions as Unicode. NFC.
  *  69baf52 - Linux: fix Z-order in scalable icon.

 -- Alexander Pozdnyakov <censored>  Sat, 07 Dec 2019 11:53:45 +0300

solvespace (3.0.0~git1447-0b786e6-1) unstable; urgency=medium

  * Compile
  * URL:
  * Branch: master
  * Commit: 0b786e6e2bcdeab58e6d164aa4cdc895e158907c
  * Date: 1575312718
  * git changelog:
  *  0b786e6 - CMake: review minimum required CMake version.

 -- Alexander Pozdnyakov <censored>  Tue, 03 Dec 2019 02:48:22 +0300

solvespace (3.0.0~git1446-0472b9e-1) unstable; urgency=medium

  * Compile
  * URL:
  * Branch: master
  * Commit: 0472b9ea603003d59fd885d499ff176ca0bf7890
  * Date: 1574859087
  * git changelog:
  *  0472b9e - macOS: fix tooltips not closing on Catalina.
  *  dcdfdec - Add an option to edit dimension immediately after adding.
  *  58f23aa - macOS: force show property browser when opening
    preferences from menu.
  *  552fe35 - Fix commit 07992cecaa.
  *  0501f0c - Don't call GL functions in OpenGl3Renderer::GetIdent.
  *  22525e6 - CMake: update policy to 3.11.
  *  07992ce - Remove unused offscreen GL renderer.
  *  a60d4df - Refactor Travis config
  *  fb536a1 - Test for -ffile-prefix-map support instead of comparing

 -- Alexander Pozdnyakov <censored>  Sun, 01 Dec 2019 12:52:56 +0300

solvespace (3.0.0~git1437-690f87c-1) unstable; urgency=medium

  * Compile
  * URL:
  * Branch: master
  * Commit: 690f87cf4a908d89238dccb3165059b913f8dd63
  * Date: 1574528255
  * git changelog:
  *  690f87c - On GNU-compatible compilers, avoid embedding paths into
  *  14e095c - Don't show unusable fonts in font selector.
  *  e74137d - Fix misuse of glTexImage2D (again).
  *  2fe17a4 - Remove prototype for an unimplemented function.
  *  38f4287 - Remove an integer cast.
  *  93184c5 - Use standard std::count_if. NFC.
  *  8c750ce - Freeze the scrollbar while editor is open in property
  *  f035955 - Recompute property browser viewport on resize.
  *  54015b6 - Call glGetError() after glFinish(), not glFlush().
  *  9b61f98 - macOS: Don't use offscreen rendering.
  *  e386d40 - Make some arguments const/const references, where
    possible. NFC.
  *  65d0bdf - Split Canvas::FinishFrame out of Canvas::FlushFrame.
  *  ec30567 - Simplify UNION and DIFFERENCE boolean operations.
  *  b5ccf5a - macOS: fix CMake Xcode generator.
  *  0dcc8f3 - Fix Xcode auto-fixable issues
  *  74aa80b - Fix misuse of glTexImage2D.

 -- Alexander Pozdnyakov <censored>  Sat, 23 Nov 2019 22:34:36 +0300

solvespace (3.0.0~git1421-5d78f99-2) unstable; urgency=medium

  * Rebuild 

 -- Alexander Pozdnyakov <censored>  Sun, 06 Oct 2019 22:12:44 +0300

solvespace (3.0.0~git1421-5d78f99-1) unstable; urgency=medium

  * Compile
  * URL:
  * Branch: master
  * Commit: 5d78f993cea3749b6644e0a2f9ddf89c9754e377
  * Date: 1568941798
  * git changelog:
  *  5d78f99 - Make helix origin create a line even if it's in a
    different group.
  *  162897e - Reimplement DivPivoting as DivProjected.

 -- Alexander Pozdnyakov <censored>  Fri, 27 Sep 2019 19:21:18 +0300

solvespace (3.0.0~git1419-7f9117b-1) unstable; urgency=medium

  * Compile
  * URL:
  * Branch: master
  * Commit: 7f9117b2bf0636a594eb1f1ba76b9dbe0e8a4e83
  * Date: 1568198290
  * git changelog:
  *  7f9117b - Calculate area of selected faces, if any.
  *  915f55a - Show volume of current group alongside total volume.
  *  a0e9923 - Clean up virtual, override, default, and void params.
  *  ae417fc - Use emplace_back. NFC.
  *  34dccbf - Don't call static methods through an instance. NFC.
  *  219df31 - Linux: add support for building snap packages.
  *  b1e280e - Fix undefined behavior in IdList::end().
  *  ec13839 - Modify clang-format config to avoid single-line things.
  *  bedea1e - Avoid undefined behavior from out-of-range access. NFC.
  *  b8ee0e9 - Remove extraneous semicolon. NFC.
  *  78819ff - Fix "virtual function without virtual destructor"
    warning. NFC.
  *  c959af1 - Fix a comment. NFC.
  *  3e566d7 - Remove std::move from trivially-copyable types. NFC.
  *  c0904e2 - Use IsEmpty() or .empty() to check if a container is
    empty. NFC.
  *  61c0167 - Fix TTF iteration in case of an empty list.
  *  15838dc - For loop cleanup. NFC.
  *  231dff6 - Add and use List::Last(). NFC.
  *  c5f3cd1 - Use the same @todo hot comment style everywhere.
  *  d514a26 - Fix use-after-free in revolve and helix.
  *  a4c0022 - Fix a warning about a virtual destructor.
  *  43b2261 - CLI/testsuite: do not crash if a dialog is displayed.

 -- Alexander Pozdnyakov <censored>  Thu, 12 Sep 2019 04:55:35 +0300

solvespace (3.0.0~git1398-22e4011-1) unstable; urgency=medium

  * Compile
  * URL:
  * Branch: master
  * Commit: 22e4011cb67e3eca150f74e47695ebb859215598
  * Date: 1566743437
  * git changelog:
  *  22e4011 - use std::vector in helix operations instead of fixed
    length array. Remove limit on number of sections. Delete definition
    of Revolved struct.
  *  e22c522 - use std::vector in lathe operations instead of fixed
    length array
  *  2dd50d0 - Only allow lathe, revolve and helix for 2d sketches.
  *  13820bf - Revert "IdList::RemoveTagged switch to std::remove_if
    from iteration. NFC."
  *  b284e80 - Improve NextAfter. NFC.
  *  533ca61 - Fix a manual manipulation of List::n. NFC.
  *  dd738dd - Add Last(). NFC.
  *  610e35f - Improve Clear(). NFC.
  *  b9d035c - Improve MoveSelfInto. NFC.
  *  9fd09dd - Add IdList::AllocForOneMore() based on List. NFC.
  *  0bfbbe2 - Improve implementation hiding in IdList/List. NFC.
  *  482f0e8 - Replace qsort with std::sort and lambda. NFC.
  *  1b97a00 - Add and use List::IsEmpty, range-for, etc. NFC.
  *  0bb6a34 - IdList::RemoveTagged switch to std::remove_if from
    iteration. NFC.
  *  3ea077b - Reduce scopes and placate clang-tidy. NFC.
  *  60fdac1 - Simplify IdList::Add(). NFC.
  *  3340392 - Add and use LowerBound methods in IdList. NFC.
  *  0c941ae - Revise IdList::Tag to reduce code duplication. NFC.
  *  5ada4db - Add and use IdList::IsEmpty. NFC.
  *  b5f36a4 - Provide cbegin(), cend() in containers. NFC.
  *  86f20cc - Convert many loops to range-for or std algorithms. NFC.
  *  97c8cb7 - Make sure changing color of a group does not reset alpha.

 -- Alexander Pozdnyakov <censored>  Mon, 26 Aug 2019 23:26:42 +0300

solvespace (3.0.0~git1376-d9081b0-1) unstable; urgency=medium

  * Compile
  * URL:
  * Branch: master
  * Commit: d9081b0b08ccfc7f5138dd40878cc87cf3c8b0f1
  * Date: 1565393544
  * git changelog:
  *  d9081b0 - VRML: add support for transparency.
  *  837628e - Add VRML (WRL) triangle mesh export.
  *  986da7d - Implement helical extrusion groups.

 -- Alexander Pozdnyakov <censored>  Sat, 10 Aug 2019 22:53:07 +0300

solvespace (3.0.0~git1373-b3f739f-1) unstable; urgency=medium

  * Compile
  * URL:
  * Branch: master
  * Commit: b3f739f2c4f75cbdb2613e1fe9cb7fff9b880143
  * Date: 1562930608
  * git changelog:
  *  b3f739f - Improve layout for reference axes with very vertically
    small windows.
  *  b2af9ce - Use the fact that handles are now less-than comparable.
  *  5efb09e - Use the new equality/inequality operators of handles to
    reduce references to .v. NFC.
  *  7bd4b14 - Traits work for handles to permit sharing functionality
    and operators. NFC.
  *  346f004 - Brighter blue and yellow in text window for higher

 -- Alexander Pozdnyakov <censored>  Sun, 14 Jul 2019 01:36:43 +0300

solvespace (3.0.0~git1368-02d7f0c-1) unstable; urgency=medium

  * Compile
  * URL:
  * Branch: master
  * Commit: 02d7f0c0aa2f5bcf4f21942fca7b462b0da4427f
  * Date: 1561423737
  * git changelog:
  *  02d7f0c - Auto-recover files corrupted by the bug in commit
  *  49a7f86 - Fix off-by-1 in Group::Remap.

 -- Alexander Pozdnyakov <censored>  Sat, 29 Jun 2019 14:01:26 +0300

solvespace (3.0.0~git1366-cb0fdb1-1) unstable; urgency=medium

  * Compile
  * URL:
  * Branch: master
  * Commit: cb0fdb1c289106f8f01e886362adbe251f47b770
  * Date: 1560545976
  * git changelog:
  *  cb0fdb1 - Freedesktop: add scalable SVG icon.
  *  5df53fc - Implement revolve groups.
  *  3d80062 - GTK: delete all gtkmm objects before destrying Gtk::Main.
  *  3596979 - Update q3d submodule.

 -- Alexander Pozdnyakov <censored>  Sat, 15 Jun 2019 21:31:49 +0300

solvespace (3.0.0~git1362-9ac55f3-1) unstable; urgency=medium

  * Compile
  * URL:
  * Branch: master
  * Commit: 9ac55f392aeac6839e1ad2252848f520f1420939
  * Date: 1559142385
  * git changelog:
  *  9ac55f3 - Win32: fix build with -DOPENGL=1.
  *  6352405 - Deselect entities with Ctrl-LMB.
  *  bd84bc1 - Replace entity map implementation with
  *  406c55e - Instead of creating an exact copy of existing constraint,
    select it.
  *  09ca442 - Commit missing parts of cf2f0e5d.
  *  eb7e12b - Make sure file from a recent menu exists before using it.
  *  beea444 - Move logic for handling allowRedundant out of System.
  *  cf2f0e5 - In TryConstrain(), reject redundant constraints in
    overconstrained groups.
  *  5495659 - Skip creating an automatic H/V constraint if it would be
  *  394c1f6 - Remove forceDofCheck parameter from SolveRank(). NFC.
  *  88879d3 - Show Degrees of Freedom → Show Underconstrained Points
  *  9d1c295 - Add a setting to format constraint labels using SI
  *  9faa7cb - Fix commit cc107887.
  *  6c167db - Add an explicit mirror checkbox for Paste Transformed.
  *  df6777a - Warn on broken extrusions, like on broken polygons.
  *  43a59e2 - Work around MSVC bug 746973.
  *  9f2077b - Explain how forceDofCheck in System::Solve works. NFC.
  *  cc10788 - Remove the last use of memmove. NFC.
  *  fabffba - Get rid of FreeTemporary. NFC.
  *  ac7b82d - Allow configuring the amount of digits displayed after
    decimal point.
  *  d01f715 - CLI: accept --chord-tol as an option to regenerate.
  *  50c004b - Add a button to hide construction entities.
  *  e67f967 - Implement turntable (SketchUp-like) mouse navigation.
  *  c2c26e9 - Make minor errors visible at a glance in the group list.
  *  260769c - Win32: Restore Windows XP Compatibility
  *  31f5873 - Add a few asserts. NFC.
  *  e243396 - Three.js: with a window-sized canvas, resize canvas with
    the window.
  *  ffef006 - Add a .clang-format file - not for bulk use!
  *  c9397ea - Make help text for image and TTF request creation reflect
  *  3296474 - Rework tooltip implementation to track tip area.
  *  f6484c7 - macOS: fix a crash at startup introduced in 75a09c8b.
  *  e9b9dca - Win32: use native OpenGL drivers, if available.
  *  0921296 - Update copyright statement in about box.
  *  25b6eba - Adjust angle label margin similarly to eda294ef.
  *  9500487 - Fix an edge case with fps measured as infinite.
  *  39c3480 - Add CountIf method to IdList to simplify some call sites.
  *  43c9cba - Reduce Vector::Element calls in SKdNode::SnapToVertex.
  *  f885daf - Simplify. NFC.
  *  75a09c8 - Minor cleanups. NFC.
  *  7f75148 - Win32: ignore WM_MOUSEWHEEL events that are forwarded to
    other window.
  *  5dbe090 - Win32: do not insert windows with parents after
  *  be0dc7e - Win32: silence a GetProcAddress-related warning.
  *  e11e234 - Win32: remove dead code in keyboard event handling.
  *  bda3b80 - GTK: fix last remains of legacy event handling code.
  *  f43954c - Adjust GL1 and GL3 ReadFrame to take pixel ratio into
  *  11c5cdc - Adjust GL3 ReadFrame() for GL ES 2.1 compatibility.
  *  c18deb2 - test harness: Identify build host system in CMake to use
    for path separator.
  *  62aba39 - Move two members of Vector to be inline.

 -- Alexander Pozdnyakov <censored>  Wed, 29 May 2019 23:05:53 +0300

solvespace (3.0.0~git1314-201e15e-1) unstable; urgency=medium

  * Compile
  * URL:
  * Branch: master
  * Commit: 201e15e68a9aaccbad86d25d1925c455b514618c
  * Date: 1557763329
  * git changelog:
  *  201e15e - Three.js: update inaccurate comment. NFC.
  *  b97a80b - Three.js: style fixes. NFCI.
  *  6f9358a - Three.js: fix rotate and pan on HiDPI devices.
  *  26c8cdc - Three.js: fix mousemove event listener.
  *  52a481c - Small performance optimization in Vector::Equals.
  *  838126f - GTK: rework f07e975d to fix build on both pre and post
    3.24 GTK.
  *  7d181f0 - Include custom styled entities in the same plane when
    exporting section.
  *  c44a471 - Win32: fix destruction order issue leading to crash on
  *  f07e975 - GTK: fix build on Ubuntu 18.04 by removing debug define
  *  0b7b8a4 - Linux: add Flatpak integration.
  *  bc3e09e - GTK: use native file chooser dialog, if available.
  *  e7b75f1 - Revert "CMake: replace GetGitCommitHash with
    .gitattributes and $Id$."

 -- Alexander Pozdnyakov <censored>  Mon, 13 May 2019 19:45:27 +0300

solvespace (3.0.0~git1302-fa66229-1) unstable; urgency=medium

  * Compile
  * URL:
  * Branch: master
  * Commit: fa6622903010eb82b07b16adf06d31d5ffcd6bb9
  * Date: 1555933847
  * git changelog:
  *  fa66229 - Fix choice of normal for revolution in some corner cases.
  *  b69ef71 - Fix misuse of Path in dc6c7bd0.
  *  dc6c7bd - Add a lookup for resources in ../share/solvespace.
  *  945a282 - README: update submodule instructions.

 -- Alexander Pozdnyakov <censored>  Sat, 27 Apr 2019 22:35:41 +0300

solvespace (3.0.0~git1298-ce0b130-1) unstable; urgency=medium

  * Compile
  * URL:
  * Branch: master
  * Commit: ce0b130d6ceb2145c8150eecbffe7380948899d4
  * Date: 1555153363
  * git changelog:
  *  ce0b130 - Disable mnemonics when pathnames are used as menu item

 -- Alexander Pozdnyakov <censored>  Sat, 13 Apr 2019 20:21:33 +0300

solvespace (3.0.0~git1297-a7b2f28-1) unstable; urgency=medium

  * Compile
  * URL:
  * Branch: master
  * Commit: a7b2f2899944cd267767caa96c0da995b38bb203
  * Date: 1553766376
  * git changelog:
  *  a7b2f28 - Silence some gcc 7 warnings.
  *  8903e17 - Travis, Appveyor: remove IRC notifications.
  *  3a3a275 - Implement Q3DO export.

 -- Alexander Pozdnyakov <censored>  Sat, 30 Mar 2019 09:36:21 +0300

solvespace (3.0.0~git1294-9d1601e-1) unstable; urgency=medium

  * Compile
  * URL:
  * Branch: master
  * Commit: 9d1601eea9039011c16c435b26a680fb4bc35c34
  * Date: 1550576156
  * git changelog:
  *  9d1601e - Fix uninitialized memory access in toolbar.
  *  8d07a6b - Import missing styles from linked files.

 -- Alexander Pozdnyakov <censored>  Fri, 22 Feb 2019 22:07:10 +0300

solvespace (3.0.0~git1292-9e51288-1) unstable; urgency=medium

  * Compile
  * URL:
  * Branch: master
  * Commit: 9e512882d157ecc17c22fef46e50ccf2c67493dd
  * Date: 1549891058
  * git changelog:
  *  9e51288 - Add checkbox to control automatic line constraints
  *  b2418a0 - README, CONTRIBUTING: mention the CLA.
  *  f4d394a - README: add note on cross-compilation from Ubuntu.
  *  94b26dd - Add a built-in Bitstream Vera Sans Roman font.
  *  e69478e - Let tangent arc modify the original entities.
  *  c0678d7 - Update ANGLE.
  *  c962357 - CMake: replace GetGitCommitHash with .gitattributes and
  *  e383b7f - Remove superfluous glPolygonOffset() call in GL3
  *  28fa348 - Use correct polygon winding order in GL3 renderer.

 -- Alexander Pozdnyakov <censored>  Sat, 16 Feb 2019 02:58:06 +0300

solvespace (3.0.0~git1283-1012373-1) unstable; urgency=medium

  * Compile
  * URL:
  * Branch: master
  * Commit: 1012373818e59b5ff1d6ca08ea20631790cb7183
  * Date: 1547105424
  * git changelog:
  *  1012373 - Update libdxfrw.
  *  8e4c4b0 - Check return values of fread, etc in ReadFile/WriteFile.
  *  8f2af5b - Add Fedora packages to README and add sudo before apt

 -- Alexander Pozdnyakov <censored>  Sat, 19 Jan 2019 17:17:34 +0300

solvespace (3.0.0~git1280-52c4178-1) unstable; urgency=medium

  * Compile
  * URL:
  * Branch: master
  * Commit: 52c41782d8be467807df83bae51ab303b2748936
  * Date: 1541650214
  * git changelog:
  *  52c4178 - cli: fix typo.
  *  258545a - Misc. typos

 -- Alexander Pozdnyakov <censored>  Sat, 10 Nov 2018 02:12:19 +0300

solvespace (3.0.0~git1278-4d1e134-1) unstable; urgency=medium

  * Compile
  * URL:
  * Branch: master
  * Commit: 4d1e1341d926ac356b295d5cc3d61c7a6cd7d07d
  * Date: 1533303540
  * git changelog:
  *  4d1e134 - GTK: fix an use-after-free in message dialog ShowModal().
  *  fc873c5 - Remove double word in DOC.txt
  *  42bc7ef - Fix Z-index of UI elements drawn by the color picker.
  *  21d1a62 - Fix a few warnings emitted by Clang.
  *  80c111b - Finish OpenGL 2 to OpenGL 3 renaming started in ecb6550b.
  *  4d1bd55 - GTK: fix dismissing the editor with Escape.
  *  88d59ea - README: mention third-party Debian/Ubuntu packages.
  *  eda294e - Adjust the horizontal constraint label margin to equal
  *  1a2911f - extlib: use https:// URL for the freetype submodule.
  *  bc6a923 - macOS: fix crash on startup.
  *  c3875cb - Add missing override qualifier.
  *  2b4c484 - Discard fragments with zero texture alpha in
  *  a4644cc - GTK: fix message dialogs not being responsive to buttons.

 -- Alexander Pozdnyakov <censored>  Sun, 05 Aug 2018 00:31:03 +0300

solvespace (2.3.0+git1265-8426992-1) unstable; urgency=medium

  * Compile
  * URL:
  * Branch: master
  * Commit: 8426992f27b62de8af753f656429a09a271cc60f
  * Date: 1532061619
  * git changelog:
  *  8426992 - Eliminate blocking in Error() and Message() calls.
  *  7017716 - I18n: add de-DE locale.
  *  396cac5 - Add missing virtual destructors.
  *  c37cddf - I18n: internationalise some messages that were missing
    gettext calls.
  *  fb138f4 - Add final qualifiers where applicable.
  *  4f52167 - Use std::shared_ptr instead of std::unique_ptr for
  *  a738e3f - Eliminate imperative redraws.
  *  738ac02 - Fix some strict GL ES 2 conformance issues.
  *  02ec64e - Fix unaligned access in LoadStringFromGzip.
  *  efc3da4 - CMake: add an ENABLE_CLI flag.
  *  22a9705 - Win32: fix crash on application exit.
  *  5853fa0 - Finish refactoring of platform code.
  *  350d2ad - CLI: fix crash running the "thumbnail" command.
  *  0fb9a4c - GUI: fix formatting of messages with only one sentence.
  *  7630e0e - Make some dubious type conversions explicit.
  *  c1f1c7c - Add a platform abstraction for 6-DOF input devices.
  *  6b5db58 - Add a platform abstraction for file dialogs.
  *  d796897 - Add a platform abstraction for message dialogs.
  *  84bf37a - GTK: save boolean settings as JSON booleans.
  *  26f3751 - macOS: rename application bundle to SolveSpace.
  *  a93283d - macOS: put assertion message into crash reporter dialog.
  *  eb5501e - Implement a platform abstraction for settings.
  *  f324477 - Implement a platform abstraction for windows.
  *  55baaf3 - Implement a platform abstraction for menus.
  *  7ab87ca - Implement a platform abstraction for timers.
  *  28f94dc - Start using C++ in-place member initialization.
  *  501a482 - I18n: add fr_FR locale.
  *  975b49f - Win32: offer to restart application on fatal errors.
  *  8192c96 - Show degrees of freedom in property browser.
  *  4fab5b7 - Appveyor: add IRC notifications.
  *  595ae86 - I18n: update translations.
  *  76561e3 - README: add Community section.
  *  fb1065d - Travis: add a workaround for travis-ci/travis-ci#4704.
  *  f54dabb - Clean up includes and include guards.
  *  d471e65 - Implement splitting at point with "Split Curves at
  *  9cd0044 - macOS: update instructions in README.
  *  ba71dba - CMake: use correct gtkmm version constraint.
  *  f2ecd7a - macOS: use correct format for connexionName field.
  *  fa55577 - macOS: add CFBundleIdentifier to MacOSXBundleInfo.plist.
  *  a16c204 - Allow using m (in addition to mm and inch) as base unit.
  *  6ad5c68 - Avoid degenerate triangles when snapping to mesh.
  *  025bb96 - Improve performance of mesh-forced assemblies.
  *  c8fc033 - macOS: fix #include to work on case-sensitive filesystem.
  *  9c99f69 - Clean up unused shader variables.
  *  20a4a2b - Avoid using `tan` as identifier in shaders.
  *  f37881a - macOS: bundle and statically link external dependencies.
  *  03e479e - Ensure va_end() is always called in TextWindow::Printf().
  *  771b415 - Fix various comment and UI string typos.
  *  572869d - GTK: install MIME type specification.
  *  c5a3b43 - CMake: support sanitizers on gcc builds, too.
  *  49ff36f - Use a more rigorous check for library containing
  *  8cedefc - Allow using non-ASCII format strings in Printf.

 -- Alexander Pozdnyakov <censored>  Sat, 21 Jul 2018 19:00:07 +0300

solvespace (2.3.0+git1213-2b9ffd1-1) unstable; urgency=medium

  * Compile
  * URL:
  * Branch: master
  * Commit: 2b9ffd15424eb95a21db6e6ca35339b3d9372b2e
  * Date: 1525966315
  * git changelog:
  *  2b9ffd1 - Fix handling of relative paths with no directory in

 -- Alexander Pozdnyakov <censored>  Sat, 12 May 2018 11:34:06 +0300

solvespace (2.3.0+git1212-c6fc012-1) unstable; urgency=medium

  * Compile
  * URL:
  * Branch: master
  * Commit: c6fc0125a21aa27f89ab6e0bb16037f04bc39fd4
  * Date: 1513536278
  * git changelog:
  *  c6fc012 - README: add OpenBSD instructions.
  *  3d7e9f5 - Provide correct arguments to inflateInit2.

 -- Alexander Pozdnyakov <censored>  Tue, 19 Dec 2017 22:21:40 +0300

solvespace (2.3.0+git1210-13695be-1) unstable; urgency=medium

  * Compile
  * URL:
  * Branch: master
  * Commit: 13695be03a8e78ccc24d0179a3ff243d8bd148d6
  * Date: 1509946849
  * git changelog:
  *  13695be - CMake: update required version to 3.2.

 -- Alexander Pozdnyakov <censored>  Thu, 16 Nov 2017 12:11:38 +0300

solvespace (2.3.0+git1209-16540b1-1) unstable; urgency=medium

  * Compile
  * URL:
  * Branch: master
  * Commit: 16540b1b2c540a4b44500ac02aaa4493bccfba7e
  * Date: 1502195260
  * git changelog:
  *  16540b1 - Update libdxfrw.
  *  a10db16 - Fix dash-dash-dot line style.
  *  afe2279 - Elaborate build instructions in README.

 -- Alexander Pozdnyakov <censored>  Thu, 10 Aug 2017 22:03:18 +0300

solvespace (2.3.0+git1206-49c64f7-1) unstable; urgency=medium

  * Compile
  * URL:
  * Branch: master
  * Commit: 49c64f7f1520160ad4584ca55382055f3111d4ac
  * Date: 1500781960
  * git changelog:
  *  49c64f7 - CMake, macOS: create bundle directory explicitly.
  *  32120ea - CONTRIBUTING, README: add XCode instructions.
  *  0b79dc2 - Update macOS build section in README.

 -- Alexander Pozdnyakov <censored>  Fri, 28 Jul 2017 01:36:44 +0300

solvespace (2.3.0+git1203-33b6e51-1) unstable; urgency=medium

  * Compile
  * URL:
  * Branch: master
  * Commit: 33b6e5173724ebb207c4d8450a561448b2e07e5d
  * Date: 1494193553
  * git changelog:
  *  33b6e51 - Locale LCID is a hex number, not a decimal.
  *  90e9fc7 - CONTRIBUTING: add a section on translations.

 -- Alexander Pozdnyakov <censored>  Sun, 14 May 2017 13:23:13 +0300

solvespace (2.3.0+git1201-280d5b9-1) unstable; urgency=medium

  * Compile
  * URL:
  * Branch: master
  * Commit: 280d5b902f95fda3727d0d12a2653c38c9675049
  * Date: 1493248074
  * git changelog:
  *  280d5b9 - TTF: avoid crashes on fonts without U+0041 LATIN CAPITAL
  *  5078907 - I18n: regenerate.
  *  ab7cdea - I18n: add a ru_RU translation.
  *  5408f73 - Fix a crash creating a group from a non-reference
  *  fe622a1 - Add a test for workplane request.
  *  85b4b25 - Fix a crash changing g->meshCombine when g-

 -- Alexander Pozdnyakov <censored>  Fri, 28 Apr 2017 10:22:52 +0300

solvespace (2.3.0+git1194-e5259d7-1) unstable; urgency=medium

  * Compile
  * URL:
  * Branch: master
  * Commit: e5259d7a3eef2662b98c27853b0eda506ab62416
  * Date: 1491972683
  * git changelog:
  *  e5259d7 - Swap arc endpoints when pasting transformed with negative
  *  5d67b42 - CMake: don't have multiple rules generating same targets.
  *  287bd98 - Fix copying and pasting image requests.
  *  99f6ea3 - Add an option to display areas of closed contours.
  *  c0b6eaa - Fix automatic marking of constraints as reference.
  *  43dc162 - Rewrite equation for pt-on-circle to avoid negative
  *  8fd11f4 - Fix forcing NURBS to mesh in a step group when the flag
    is inherited.
  *  ecb6550 - Change mentions of OpenGL 2 to OpenGL 3.
  *  7eb6574 - Rename TextWindow::CHAR_WIDTH to CHAR_WIDTH_.
  *  b0ea9d8 - Allow suppressing solid model of extrude and lathe

 -- Alexander Pozdnyakov <censored>  Fri, 14 Apr 2017 09:51:21 +0300

solvespace (2.3.0+git1184-6337bbb-1) unstable; urgency=medium

  * Compile
  * URL:
  * Branch: master
  * Commit: 6337bbbcd6e753427bed47d7e9f43d9836e4347b
  * Date: 1490209980
  * git changelog:
  *  6337bbb - Fix a missing semicolon.
  *  aaa9c6d - Fix a texture memory leak.
  *  827f54f - GTK: ensure the editor always uses contrasting colors.
  *  911c67b - Fix benchmark harness after e2e74762.
  *  acc25ec - Fix toolbar height after 5744d1d5.
  *  ca2aad7 - Remove the "style → background image" feature.
  *  5744d1d - Implement an image request.
  *  e2e7476 - Rework path and file operations to be more robust.
  *  335c217 - Collect together and rigorously test all our ad-hoc path
  *  60f85f5 - Win32: fix invalid accelerator labels.
  *  7e2b1b1 - Add a test for the link group.
  *  15f3490 - Make CLI usage text more readable.
  *  27b59f6 - Fix type conversion warnings.

 -- Alexander Pozdnyakov <censored>  Sat, 25 Mar 2017 10:59:52 +0300

solvespace (2.3.0+git1171-dbf6663-1) unstable; urgency=medium

  * Compile
  * URL:
  * Branch: master
  * Commit: dbf66639aa17c77d105072ab689bcf657f306636
  * Date: 1489001145
  * git changelog:
  *  dbf6663 - Replace ad-hoc implementations of Basename with calls to
  *  f2f37ae - Remove dead code.
  *  9ab37c2 - README: update zlib package version.
  *  61fe8ba - GTK: take scale factor into account when positioning
  *  8e27a5e - GTK: take margin and border size into account when
    positioning entry.

 -- Alexander Pozdnyakov <censored>  Fri, 10 Mar 2017 22:12:36 +0300

solvespace (2.3.0+git1166-9157425-1) unstable; urgency=medium

  * Compile
  * URL:
  * Branch: master
  * Commit: 91574254fefbc46fa5a14127b37e2a93dcb01fa1
  * Date: 1487307679
  * git changelog:
  *  9157425 - Improve handling of corner cases related to assembled
    loop normals.
  *  dea573e - Highlight normals and circle radii that have a degree of
  *  3bcc376 - Same orientation constraint doesn't exist in a workplane.
  *  6bc2ed9 - Remove nonexistent degrees of freedom from lathe groups.
  *  3c36d8f - Pin comments with custom styles to front layer, like
    regular ones.
  *  3121845 - Fix undefined behavior in solvespace-cli.
  *  41794db - Fix a crash in expression parser.
  *  e6ed36f - Add solvespace-debugtool, to expose some internals via
  *  f29d9d7 - GTK: run DoLater after the next main loop iteration.
  *  1871efa - Commit missing parts of d77f617.
  *  2e15f60 - Win32: implement support for full-screen graphics window.
  *  d77f617 - Remove the "show menu bar" option.
  *  6cf5409 - Update testsuite after ced4244.
  *  cd26256 - Travis: run tests again.
  *  97e7185 - Snap point to entity when constraining to a hovered
  *  ced4244 - Explicitly represent the parameter used in constraints.
  *  80c7296 - Win32: do not redefine VOS_NT_WINDOWS32/VFT_APP.
  *  4260be2 - DXF: mark POLYLINE as 3d if any of the points have non-
    zero Z.
  *  baf9dc0 - Remove degenerate triangles when generating triangle

 -- Alexander Pozdnyakov <censored>  Fri, 17 Feb 2017 22:01:55 +0300

solvespace (2.2.0+git1147-4465bc0-1) unstable; urgency=medium

  * Compile
  * URL:
  * Branch: master
  * Commit: 4465bc0270ee185e5029ecacfe27665fa7fe5ab0
  * Date: 1486058990
  * git changelog:
  *  4465bc0 - CMake: do not remove translations on `make clean`.
  *  51b8828 - README: suggest release builds, as these are much faster.
  *  2794242 - Remove a redundant ReloadAllImported() call.
  *  6e88eae - Fix a path construction issue introduced in 3fc85b7.
  *  d4b052d - Fix logic introduced in 55ae10b.
  *  3fc85b7 - CLI: add the "regenerate" command, for use in Makefiles
  *  27a5f6f - CLI: include directory name in %-replacement.
  *  67a916d - CLI: show usage when --help/-h passed.
  *  ff0af6f - Fix a typo in 495a7ac.
  *  495a7ac - Refactor the "File → Export Image" command.

 -- Alexander Pozdnyakov <censored>  Fri, 03 Feb 2017 21:33:08 +0300

solvespace (2.2.0+git1137-bb2cc4a-1) unstable; urgency=medium

  * Compile
  * URL:
  * Branch: master
  * Commit: bb2cc4aa568e7206bdc2d02cb3e0eb8b8d3364c5
  * Date: 1484980484
  * git changelog:
  *  bb2cc4a - GTK: do not compose rendered geometry with an alpha
  *  669e6f0 - Select the appropriate entity when dragging a circle or a
  *  119b17a - Fix an occasional crash when starting to drag an entity.
  *  86f229c - Render points corresponding to a DOF in the front layer.
  *  db75e06 - Add a command to show center of mass, assuming uniform
  *  068191b - GTK: unbreak the color chooser.
  *  8749a17 - Draw constraints/entities when hovered or selected even
    if invisible.
  *  e388d9f - List applied constraints when selecting an entity.
  *  5d9356a - List constrained requests when selecting a constraint.
  *  4aae229 - Add *.slvs to gitignore.
  *  3e66807 - Fix a crash after creating a constraint.
  *  8d0e226 - CMake: do not depend on testsuite in the default target.
  *  572fbc7 - Reapply "Simplify Group::IsVisible(), GroupsInOrder()."
  *  04e86d9 - Travis: revert the hack for transient build failures.
  *  67146f6 - Revert "Simplify Group::IsVisible(), GroupsInOrder()."
  *  8370382 - Fix reference to a shader that no longer exists.
  *  5b2ad9b - Fix 2d stippling of hovered and selected faces.
  *  6931979 - Fix an OpenGL initialization glitch.
  *  5c34b3f - Allow copying and pasting of datum points.
  *  12a1a35 - Reserve space upfront when possible, to avoid re-
  *  fba8885 - Normalize CRLF newlines to LF when loading string
  *  ec07516 - GTK: work around a gtkmm<3.22 bug.
  *  29e43e6 - Fall back to en_US if the system locale is not available.
  *  cde86a0 - Fix an uninitialized variable.
  *  6b67cfe - Except when using OpenGL ES 2, use OpenGL 3.2+ Core
  *  6de5133 - GTK: default to the en_US locale if LANGUAGE is set and
  *  022d012 - Simplify Group::IsVisible(), GroupsInOrder().
  *  43db220 - Turn newly created redundant constraints with a label
    into references.
  *  c00ab25 - Don't move points when automatically constraining
  *  855de07 - Automatically constrain arc or rectangle points.
  *  55ae10b - Do not hover or select entities from any pending request.
  *  96476ca - GTK: respect the scale factor when computing coordinates.
  *  fb667fb - Use a dedicated BitmapFont instance per Canvas.
  *  33c9ffb - Gettext: automatically update all translations.
  *  c12672b - Internationalize platform-specific code.
  *  aeebc3c - Gettext: fill in empty msgstrs from msgid.
  *  0eb33de - Fix typo: ua-UA → uk-UA.
  *  984f74d - Internationalize all messages without substitutions.
  *  4fda1e4 - Add ua-UA translation.
  *  da7c74a - GTK: only attempt to use libspnav on X11.

 -- Alexander Pozdnyakov <censored>  Sun, 22 Jan 2017 13:43:30 +0300

solvespace (2.2.0+git1097-00dda08-1) unstable; urgency=medium

  * Compile
  * URL:
  * Branch: master
  * Commit: 00dda0891797742faa4ab1afff48397afa6fd83d
  * Date: 1483619750
  * git changelog:
  *  00dda08 - Internationalize the context menu.
  *  27ac3c7 - Internationalize the toolbar.
  *  529e1bf - Internationalize the main menu.
  *  4f04406 - Implement a gettext .po file parser.
  *  387c5c5 - Fix a tearing issue while dragging a new rect.
  *  934f33f - Update zlib, libpng and Freetype submodules to latest
  *  c385740 - Fix a dereference of an iterator one past the end.
  *  9f697af - Win32: don't display dialogs for CRT assertions, like for
  *  6b8f937 - Win32: fix compatibility with MSVC x64 builds.
  *  d893277 - Don't crash when trying to load a non-existent
    vector/bitmap character.
  *  02ab358 - Allow the digit group separator, "_", in expressions.
  *  daf3c7b - GTK, Win32: always map keypad decimal separator to dot.
  *  f1d4c4a - README: point to CONTRIBUTING where relevant.
  *  2eb9342 - README: update Windows version requirement.
  *  e127b28 - CMake: allow building the CLI without the GUI.
  *  9253e5f - GTK: update gtkmm dependency.
  *  6bb73a1 - GTK: remove GlWidget, use standard Gtk::GLArea.
  *  7dbbd75 - Drop support for GTK 2.
  *  25631d4 - Choose entities to select in a way appropriate for the
  *  d99a133 - Do ScheduleGenerateAll in MarkGroupDirty.

 -- Alexander Pozdnyakov <censored>  Fri, 06 Jan 2017 15:20:48 +0300

solvespace (2.2.0+git1077-9148d0c-1) unstable; urgency=medium

  * Compile
  * URL:
  * Branch: master
  * Commit: 9148d0cb91ad4bf6800ba722a9c8ef6378b5aa1e
  * Date: 1482349233
  * git changelog:
  *  9148d0c - Force DOF check every time a constraint is added.
  *  10251c6 - In OpenGl2Renderer, do not issue a draw call per
    DrawVectorText call.
  *  727c0a9 - Draw projected lines for pt-line-distance constraints in
  *  5763972 - Don't apply scale twice for text if both height and
    stroke are in mm.
  *  626ffea - github: add an ISSUE_TEMPLATE file.
  *  d6e2ac8 - test: add tests for ExprParser, and fix two crashes.
  *  11adaf2 - README: update Linux dependencies.
  *  15571ef - Fix swapped operands in boolean operators in expression

 -- Alexander Pozdnyakov <censored>  Sat, 24 Dec 2016 13:04:50 +0300

solvespace (2.2.0+git1069-3dd2fc0-1) unstable; urgency=medium

  * Compile
  * URL:
  * Branch: master
  * Commit: 3dd2fc0093d78bd975c98c798b441b8fe267ff6a
  * Date: 1481350223
  * git changelog:
  *  3dd2fc0 - Add
  *  4356827 - Unix: add FreeBSD compatibility for
  *  374d1b5 - Win32: simplify.
  *  6fcf1bb - Somewhat improve rendering of transparent meshes.
  *  4a0b4fd - Win32: unbreak solvespace-cli.
  *  679a1f0 - Win32/MSVC: garbage-collect symbols even in debug builds.
  *  d1ddc6e - Win32: fix inclusion of manifest, to get back visual
  *  6989a3d - CMake: Cairo is required for CLI, not just tests.
  *  3858cbe - Fix a possible use-after-free in OpenGl2Batch.
  *  b975380 - Fix refactoring issue in gl2shader.h.
  *  47244c5 - Implement a command-line interface.
  *  dbc567e - Reload linked files before upgrading legacy data.
  *  9301dec - Use the same code for loading resources in all
  *  7681f6d - Refactor insertion into BSP tree.
  *  d37f53e - Improve performance of face picking.
  *  7758844 - Do not re-solve groups that converge but fail rank test.
  *  f5485cb - Rewrite equations generated for same-orientation
  *  78d141c - Rewrite equations generated for curve-line tangent
    constraints (in 3d).
  *  3d6d873 - Rewrite equations generated for parallel constraints (in
  *  cc07058 - Rewrite equations generated for pt-on-line constraints.
  *  8f93136 - DXF: Import Z coordinate from DXF/DWG files.
  *  41365c5 - DXF: Fix export of wireframe as 3D DXF.
  *  aaab8a0 - Fix a crash when extruding TTF text.
  *  4362954 - Update ANGLE.
  *  37defcb - Unbreak Camera::UnProjectPoint3.
  *  01ae452 - Unbreak drawing of DEPTH_ONLY meshes via OpenGL 2 batch
  *  61f2488 - Refactor expression parsing.
  *  8dc60f6 - Fix Windows build with -DOPENGL=1.
  *  d3f2ac7 - Remove most dependencies on config.h.
  *  369b0a3 - Optimize toggling visibility of normals, points, edges,
  *  683ac78 - Optimize FromTransformationOf for performing identity
  *  0ae0343 - Add a simple benchmarking harness.
  *  9a0f2c3 - Fix detection of transparent meshes.
  *  73844f7 - Draw triangle back faces like the front, unless we draw
    them in red.
  *  c8ff17f - Add OpenGL 2 support on Windows using ANGLE.
  *  9db50ed - Refactor the renderer frame flush functionality.
  *  156fe73 - Allow using z-index in UiCanvas, and use it for tooltips.
  *  92773a5 - Implement BatchCanvas for GL2.
  *  52557ee - Add an interface for view-independent rendering.
  *  6d2c2ae - Implement an OpenGL 2 renderer.
  *  f8824e1 - Reimplement drawing of the mesh wireframe.
  *  e56630e - Fix creation of workplane based on a workplane.
  *  c97ba6b - Optimize IdList::MaximumId() from O(n) to O(1).
  *  ea0a1b7 - Fix uninitialized variable warnings.
  *  802d092 - When exporting files, initially fill in the basename of
    the sketch.
  *  e681ba3 - Rephrase the error message for sketch in workplane
  *  3c45158 - Add an ability to create a workplane with another
  *  c727752 - Fix error message shown when exporting mesh with wrong
  *  489ae66 - Fix crash when trying to import not .dxf or .dwg files
  *  fdd08cb - Warn if exporting a non-watertight mesh.
  *  3b24139 - Fix rendering of horizontal/vertical constraint labels.
  *  1ec36fc - Add missing newline in OutputDebugStringA invocation.
  *  9673225 - Fix a crash when adding a symmetric constraint on a line.
  *  a0d7f1d - Optimize GroupsInOrder.
  *  13d4a1b - Fix memory leak in RemoveTagged.
  *  7b9d730 - Hide OpenGL implementation details.
  *  f5e955a - README: add gdb and lldb debugging instructions.

 -- Alexander Pozdnyakov <censored>  Sat, 10 Dec 2016 09:47:16 +0300

solvespace (2.2.0+git1012-afecbcc-1) unstable; urgency=medium

  * Compile
  * URL:
  * Branch: master
  * Commit: afecbccb0f89e9288c20a06ace8bea998ec3aac7
  * Date: 1478365517
  * git changelog:
  *  afecbcc - OS X: fix another out-of-bounds TW.META access.
  *  d151eb5 - CMake: reject in-tree builds.
  *  b846401 - Update CHANGELOG.
  *  74cb1f5 - Add two more points to the TTF text request.
  *  23feb4c - TTF: use metrics of 'A' to determine cap height.
  *  7bd6ade - TTF: actually use CID as GID when CID-to-GID mapping is
  *  b8bec35 - TTF: only call FT_Request_Size once after loading.
  *  0e72c60 - tests: fix bugs and inefficiencies in PrepareSavefile.
  *  505f503 - Don't consider workplane origin point for bounding box
  *  600c39d - Don't consider arc center point for bounding box
  *  cdd6174 - tests: remove CHECK_RENDER from migrate_from_v* tests.
  *  071a7ac - tests: bulk add of migrate_from_v22 tests.

 -- Alexander Pozdnyakov <censored>  Sat, 12 Nov 2016 23:30:18 +0300

solvespace (2.2.0+git1000-592bea8-1) unstable; urgency=medium

  * Compile
  * URL:
  * Branch: master
  * Commit: 592bea81097588d66ab02b1dc4cb7817d53cdd8f
  * Date: 1477122942
  * git changelog:
  *  592bea8 - Travis: add IRC notifications.
  *  f619a4b - GTK: add a no-op glXSwapBuffers call for apitrace.
  *  345c982 - OS X: don't crash in GetSaveFile() if default extension
    is invalid.

 -- Alexander Pozdnyakov <censored>  Sat, 29 Oct 2016 11:46:28 +0300

solvespace (2.1.0+git997-90987d3-1) unstable; urgency=medium

  * Compile
  * URL:
  * Branch: master
  * Commit: 90987d3ee427f5a06df3e5ce4f81d71f252b2aba
  * Date: 1476418520
  * git changelog:
  *  90987d3 - Fix a rendering bug introduced in 9f97e9a.
  *  3a585ea - Try to re-solve groups that fail rank test.
  *  b2092ea - Write params if system is solved as REDUNDANT_OKAY.
  *  8e329ca - Fix a memory leak in
  *  b37aba0 - Preserve stipple phase across separate piecewise linear
  *  47288e9 - Stitch outlines before display to preserve phase of
  *  186911a - Factor out PolylineBuilder from DXF export code.
  *  d2c2503 - Fix many rendering bugs introduced in df83ee4 and
  *  ea52fcb - Remove unnecessary GenerateAll/ZoomToFit calls in
  *  62f5f69 - Print a debug message for generations that are taking a
    long time.
  *  2ccf595 - Allow creating n-dimensional arrays with translate and
    rotate groups.
  *  6658b1f - Allow combining extrude, lathe, translate and rotate
    group as assemblies.
  *  5462fc6 - OS X: map the backspace key to the "Delete" function.
  *  90f10cc - OS X: set scroller knob style to light.
  *  b5f5e05 - OS X: don't remap OK in message boxes to Escape.
  *  b036380 - OS X: revert "sort out window visibility and focus."
  *  291e16e - Fix a few compiler warnings.
  *  363f5c1 - Fix BitmapFont to not lose texture updates.
  *  af226b2 - Fix rendering of reference axes in bottom left corner.
  *  9f97e9a - Allow selecting unit (px/mm) in Canvas::Stroke.
  *  a5c7fc6 - Disable closed contour check in the test harness.
  *  df83ee4 - Factor out Style::Stroke.
  *  1108a6f - Use Canvas::Stroke, not Canvas::Fill, for drawing a
  *  e80a3a0 - Fix a buffer overrun in ssprintf.
  *  ffa1046 - Fix spelling error.
  *  f4e8512 - Wavefront OBJ: export mesh color as well.
  *  aa95850 - GTK: use 3DConnexion button 0 instead of
  *  b10e621 - Rephrase error messages that say "select a workplane".
  *  456c987 - Use transparent white fill color for drawing pixmaps, not
  *  e9725bd - Update CHANGELOG.
  *  9febc57 - Travis: install libstdc++ 5.
  *  93da883 - Debian: remove in-tree packaging.
  *  66ed417 - Fix a handle leak in TtfFontList::PlotString.
  *  476860a - Normalize the string returned by Extension() to
  *  2371068 - Don't regenerate the entire sketch in AddRequest().
  *  0e66eaf - OS X: correctly parse output of otool -D.
  *  3ff236c - Mark group dirty when clicking "allow redundant
    constraints" link.
  *  9bcba4b - Fix incorrect rendering of XYZ axes in the bottom left
  *  a8e7233 - Replace convenience #defines with const auto references.
  *  f5a37ae - OS X: fix out-of-bounds TW.META access.
  *  4537444 - Travis: add a few more retries to OS X build script.
  *  21a4305 - Add "Zoom to Fit" to context menu.
  *  2f64f18 - Add "Select All" to context menu for no selection.
  *  2f4c6a6 - Add "Toggle Construction" to context menu.
  *  da2d035 - Remove exact numeric values from ContextCommand.
  *  c43a198 - Win32: add proper Unicode support to message boxes.
  *  fbd89a7 - Update 819c4c5 for Wine compatibility.
  *  819c4c5 - GL1: work around lack of NPOT textures in Windows OpenGL
  *  7787923 - MinGW: unbreak the test harness.
  *  d12bf04 - Update 58db06d8 to not even try to use std::fstream with
    Unicode paths.
  *  fb87431 - Fix a numeric conversion warning.
  *  58db06d - DXF: update to use Unicode-aware file open routines on
  *  fd54e5a - Make translate/rotate groups inherit the "suppress solid
    model" option.
  *  06a188c - GTK: show files with uppercase extensions in file open
  *  cd5b5b2 - Travis: update brew installation instructions.
  *  e7edc39 - Alias the "=" key to "+" key.

 -- Alexander Pozdnyakov <censored>  Sat, 15 Oct 2016 18:37:20 +0300

solvespace (2.1.0+git941-ffd9c62-1) unstable; urgency=medium

  * Compile
  * URL:
  * Branch: master
  * Commit: ffd9c6241a54fc5daf734f6b0d8e73267ec99cee
  * Date: 1472403036
  * git changelog:
  *  ffd9c62 - Fix a crash when adding a symmetric constraint on two
  *  b9d3756 - Recognize .ngc as a valid G-Code export extension.
  *  a1e18ae - GlOffscreen: create color/depth renderbuffers separately.

 -- Alexander Pozdnyakov <censored>  Fri, 02 Sep 2016 22:54:54 +0300

solvespace (2.1.0+git938-991909d-1) unstable; urgency=medium

  * Compile
  * URL:
  * Branch: master
  * Commit: 991909d7949e69027f042e5dc3a72f5db1112adf
  * Date: 1471139373
  * git changelog:
  *  991909d - Show pt-ln distance projected onto workplane when one is
  *  f998293 - Allow displaying outlines without any other edges.
  *  4c30c09 - Correctly draw vector text for constraints free in 3d.
  *  efd358d - Unbreak PNG export.
  *  6e860fb - Make "Show/hide hidden lines" a tri-state button instead.
  *  8ce2922 - Refactor text window buttons to allow for more custom
  *  e2e9167 - Get rid of the MAX_SELECTED restriction in
  *  0bf6167 - Update CHANGELOG.
  *  e381c70 - DXF export: always declare layers before using them.
  *  35a20ae - GTK: fix an uninitialized variable.
  *  065a0a8 - Forcibly show the current group once we start a drawing
  *  b2ab15c - Do not clear selection during operations that don't need
  *  cf9c331 - Update libdxfrw.
  *  8bf55b3 - Fix multiple memory leaks found with LeakSanitizer.
  *  fbe2705 - CMake: disable unsigned overflow sanitizer check.
  *  415a6d3 - Travis: build with clang, so that we can use its
  *  068ed28 - CMake: fix typo.
  *  f8b6c33 - CMake: use pkg-config directories in test/.
  *  e462387 - Add tests to cover 95.3% of constrainteq.cpp branches.
  *  4b49442 - Align constraint lines to pixel grid.
  *  ba1cd83 - README: clarify Windows instructions.

 -- Alexander Pozdnyakov <censored>  Sat, 20 Aug 2016 06:27:06 +0300

solvespace (2.1.0+git917-f2633e4-1) unstable; urgency=medium

  * Compile
  * Branch: master
  * Commit: f2633e4a57ba0fef8864b62ef04a09baa66e15d6
  * Date: 1470060196

 -- Alexander Pozdnyakov <censored>  Wed, 03 Aug 2016 11:52:05 +0300

solvespace (2.1.0+git888-7f411d1-1) unstable; urgency=medium

  * Compile
  * Branch: master
  * Commit: 7f411d1593b766e081f8bcafcabc09df00241f8a
  * Date: 1469313676

 -- Alexander Pozdnyakov <censored>  Sun, 24 Jul 2016 11:29:24 +0300

solvespace (2.1.0+git871-32a2a4d-1) unstable; urgency=medium

  * Compile
  * Branch: master
  * Commit: 32a2a4dbd9fb67bddc86d49d91e52d393753ef67
  * Date: 1467219527

 -- Alexander Pozdnyakov <censored>  Sat, 09 Jul 2016 18:43:13 +0300

solvespace (2.1.0+git866-ced5b78-1) unstable; urgency=medium

  * Compile
  * Branch: master
  * Commit: ced5b784200894d50de98c366c40d05f75755390
  * Date: 1466683847

 -- Alexander Pozdnyakov <censored>  Fri, 24 Jun 2016 23:31:08 +0300

solvespace (2.1.0+git858-251948b-1) unstable; urgency=medium

  * Compile
  * Branch: master
  * Commit: 251948bdbd5c4987eab68be5b6b023045f427296
  * Date: 1466046345

 -- Alexander Pozdnyakov <censored>  Sat, 18 Jun 2016 17:28:05 +0300

solvespace (2.1-1) unstable; urgency=low

  * Initial release (Closes: #123456)

 -- Alexander Pozdnyakov <censored>  Fri, 17 Jun 2016 23:26:33 +0300